Saturday, May 12, 2012

Installing pdf2svg in Mac Os X with homebrew: Fixing seg fault

I had a lot of problems with pdf2svg since it was giving me a seg fault. What I did at the end was:

Instaling as follows:
cairo is too old, increase version
pango, remove ENV.x11
poppler  --with-glib, remove ENV.x11, increase version to 0.20.0

Friday, May 11, 2012

About gtk+ homebrew formula

Link the hombrew cairo/include/cairo dir to /opt/X11/include/cairo. Then edit the formula and add
    ENV.append 'LDFLAGS', '-L/usr/local/Cellar/cairo/1.10.2/lib'
    ENV.append 'CPPFLAGS',  '-I/usr/local/Cellar/cairo/1.10.2/include'

About htop-osx homebrew formula

This formula does not work if you have installed a newer libtool. The solution is to add
system "autoreconf -i"
to the formula, after the system call, before the configure.

About poppler homebrew formula

In order to compile successfully the homebrew poppler formula, it is necessary to:
- move/rename the old cairo directorry, /opt/X11/include/cairo , which is used by default by the poppler formula.
- Install  cairo with homebrew.
- Since the previous is a keg only formula, follow the instructions at the end of the installation, adding
ENV.append 'LDFLAGS', '-L/usr/local/Cellar/cairo/1.10.2/lib'
ENV.append 'CPPFLAGS',  '-I/usr/local/Cellar/cairo/1.10.2/include' 
inside install function before configure
- Install it.