Tuesday, October 18, 2011

More on ddd : ddd, idb and ifort on Mac Os X

I have been helping somebody else to set up  ddd to work with the intel compiler and debugger on Snow Leopard, although I do not have those on my computer and I do not program in Fortran :P

Basically, we need to take care of two things: the compilation process and the calling procedure for ddd.

  1. Compilation process: During compilation, ifort writes and deletes some temp files which are necessary for information about debugging symbols. The best way to keep that info is to compile in two stages :
    ifort -c -g -o  [object_name].o  [source_name].f90 
    ifort -g  [object_name].o  -o [exe_name].x
  2. Calling ddd: you have to explicitly set the path for the idb debugger as :
    ddd  --debugger  "/opt/intel/composerxe-2011.3.167/bin/idb" [exe_name_or_path].x
Set /opt/intel/composerxe-2011.3.167/bin/idb to the actual path of idb in your system.

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